Information governance for information technologies

Nuix provides software to solve the needs of litigators, investigators, records managers, and compliance officers—we meet with people holding these five roles frequently. Wait, what? That’s only four. Who’s the fifth?
The group that often sneaks into the background in our marketing and sales discussions is the IT group—people tasked with finding, implementing, and supporting our software. You unsung heroes are not as unsung as you might think! It’s important to remember that you are equal partners in the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM), and you should receive the benefits that come with indexing and understanding large volumes of unstructured content.
We in the IGRM have even written papers about you. You’re certainly not forgotten on this end.
If you, as an IT professional in your organization, have selected or are contemplating Nuix to help solve problems for those other stakeholders I mentioned previously, be aware that there are several use cases where Nuix can be pointed back onto your own data as well, but with an IT governance value proposition:
Building Or Filling Your Data Lake
The goal of a data lake is to fill it with structured and unstructured information that helps you solve for a problem. What if your problem is everyone else’s problem? Being able to include all types of data from non-traditional data sources means you can more easily solve for being litigation ready, CCPA regulatory responsive, or financial crime investigation reactive all at the same time. Nuix can tap into live, cloud, on-prem, and email sources in a way that makes integration to your data lake solve more problems.
Decommissioning Applications, Databases, Or Sites
How many Lotus Notes databases, 2003 SharePoint sites, or Documentum libraries are you trying to triage or decommission? Hundreds? Thousands? Nuix can delve into these sources to tell you if there is PII, expired records, or other valuable content before you blow them away. Decommissioning other applications can also be a challenge if you need to find all the content that was created by them. There aren’t too many dBase III data files out there, but if you need help finding them, Nuix can help.
Consolidating Data Centers
What do you do with all that data that just came in from your recent merger? First, determine the risk and value, but you also must figure out the long-term integration process for that content. And, while you are figuring that out, which may take a while, you still may need to produce information from it or investigate it right now. In fact, anything that involves moving large sets of data around is easier if you have visibility into that data.
Optimize Disaster Recovery
If 9/11 taught us anything, it’s that the companies in the Trade Towers that had a disaster recovery plan for information lived to tell another tale. Imagine the frustration and wasted time of recovering valuable contracts and communications after a disaster alongside masses of Christmas party photos and iTunes libraries. Not all content has the same value—you don’t need to treat it with the same urgency during recovery. Better alignment of information resources to business continuity can be achieved with the visibility that Nuix provides.
Populating ECM Systems
You just spent a million dollars on consultants and technologies to determine the ideal records or collaboration space in your new ECM. How do you get your content into it in the critical time mandates you have? Nuix can automate the application of metadata taxonomies and reduce the low-value content so that you can achieve your migration goals faster.
Recover Archives
Your go-to for archiving emails has now gone too. It is corrupted somehow and not producing what it needs to for upcoming litigation. Nuix can bypass archive APIs to extract critical information as fast as you need to meet those critical deadlines.
Migrate To The Cloud
Everyone seems to be moving data and functions to the cloud--especially to solve for that email archive. Migrating content to the cloud can only go as fast as it can go. If you can leave out unnecessary content and only move the more valuable items, the process can go that much faster. And don’t forget the data minimization requirements in the GDPR and CCPA—if you minimize your data with a content cleanup, you’ll reap the benefits in many ways.
Identify Expertise
Imagine you need to find someone on your staff who has experience with Hadoop, Paradox for DOS, and XYWrite … all for the same project. You can identify expertise not only by examining resumes (they may not want to admit to this particular combination of skills) but also by the documentation, communications, and social media interests of your staff—all findable through Nuix.
Understanding the information under your control and management obviously helps the IG team reduce risk and elevate value, but it can help the IT team as well. You have all these tools at your command in Nuix, and it is a shame to not try to optimize your IT infrastructure, data architecture, and support efforts while you help others.