White Papers

Keeping up with the legal and investigations changes for corporations


As remote work becomes more commonplace, your employees are increasingly using platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams to communicate, collaborate and get their work done, no matter where in the world they sit.

This digital transformation has taken place at a rapid pace over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerating what was already a trending change in companies’ relationships with their data.




Companies store and recall huge amounts of data, more than at any point in history, and continue to grow. Misuse of that data poses a significant risk to those corporations as well as their employees, partners, and customers.

As the data landscape becomes more complex, corporate investigators and legal teams must keep up with the pace of change by efficiently identifying, collecting, processing, reviewing, and producing the data that’s applicable to cases that can range across users, devices, and even countries.

This is a challenge that Nuix is well-suited to help with.

Nuix enables you to identify and interrogate data from multiple sources and platforms – email, text, copy, audio, video and more – with industry-leading data processing, analytics, and visualizations to help bring your investigation, legal, and other data-related efforts rapidly to a conclusion.

Download our whitepaper to see how Nuix can help you keep up to date with the new normal.

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