Three times to use conditional coding in Nuix discover

Reviewing large sets of data for eDiscovery and in other situations can be a time-consuming, daunting task. Even with the most robust early case assessment limiting the number of records to review and code, you’re still likely to be left with hundreds or thousands of records to work through.
Using smart templates, users can set coding requirements and parameters for reviewers. This focuses the review process by restricting the coding options to only those that are necessary and important. The smart templates adapt as documents are coded to call attention to required fields; documents can then be coded with just one click. There are many times when conditional coding will help save time and money conducting reviews in Nuix Discover.
You’ll want to use conditional coding in Nuix Discover when you’re working with:
Pockets Of Like Documents
Nuix Discover makes it easy to view documents using features like concept clustering, email threading, and social network view. Within a given case, it’s very likely you’ll find pockets of documents that you’ll be making similar decisions for.
When you’re presented with this situation, Nuix Discover gives you a couple of options. The “Code as previous” button lets you quickly apply the same coding to your current document as the previous document you worked on. If you need even greater consistency and speed, you can also set up coding macros to accelerate coding for groups of documents.
Different Data Types
The first thing that often comes to mind when talking about eDiscovery reviews is email. While email continues to be a dominant way of communicating and, thus, of concern for legal teams, it isn’t the only data source you’ll encounter.
Nuix Discover’s conditional coding allows you to build templates specific to different types of data. For example, you can create a chat template that incorporates the unique variety of metadata generated by chat messages from sources like Bloomberg Chat.
Specialty Use Cases
Legal review isn’t the only situation where Nuix Discover has significant value. There are many situations when coding and grouping information from a data set is useful.
“I’ve seen some interesting setups for workflows around the Freedom of Information Act or subject access requests, or deeper, more intricate templates with many sections,” said Emily Tice during the webinar.