Uncover the facts faster so you can identify the risks and develop a winning case strategy sooner.

Key Benefits
The faster you can process large volumes of complex data, the quicker you can begin to understand what this data contains, and identify risks to develop winning case strategies.
Rapidly review relevant documents
Dramatically improve the efficiency and quality of your document review, boosting speed and relevance with machine learning technology, and delivering profound time and cost savings.
Find facts and patterns, fast
Let your whole legal team use advanced data visualizations and everyday analytics – all as part of the base Nuix Discover license – to quickly find key facts and patterns in your case data.
Activate productive workflows
Manage all your litigation projects using multi-tenancy reporting and tracking; rapid start-up, training, and support; and cross-functional eDiscovery workflows that make you more productive.
On-premise oR secure cloud deployment options
The flexibility to decide how your technology is deployed is important in today's fast-paced and rapidly changing business environment. Run Nuix Discover where and how you want. Whether that be in your data center or in the cloud, using on-premise or hosted options.
Speak to an expert or request a demo TODAY
See for yourself how our innovative software can transform your data into actionable intelligence and help answer your biggest data challenges.
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Fact Sheets
Nuix Discover Fact Sheet
Nuix Discover is powerful eDiscovery review platform combining the world’s leading eDiscovery processing, early case assessment (ECA), review and production in one software solution. Nuix Discover accelerates your ability to uncover critical details. Gain a strategic edge in your litigation and regulatory cases with swift, precise insights— putting you steps ahead in your legal proceedings.
Case Study
Cyfor legal saves its client weeks by making data instantly accessible with nuix web review & analytics
Discover how instantly accessible data saved time in our latest case study. Learn about efficient data management now.
Rapidly review data
Quickly uncover facts.
Develop winning case strategies.
Discover the Best
Discover the Best
Nuix Discover has been named a leader in Info-Tech SoftwareReview’s eDiscovery Solutions Data Quadrant. This recognition, for the second consecutive year, is a testament to our commitment to excellence for our customers. Info-Tech SoftwareReview’s Data Quadrant Reports are renowned for their comprehensive assessment of leading products in the market. These evaluations draw data from real end users, offering a holistic, unbiased view of the product landscape, and serve as a benchmark for industry excellence.